Recent news

E-EVALINTO ha sido añadido al catálogo europeo de recursos European Toolkit for Schools.

El proyecto Erasmus+ KA2 School Education "E-EVALINTO - Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school", liderado por el Grupo de Investigación GRIAL, ha sido seleccionado por el equipo de la plataforma europea School Educational Gateway como recurso educativo de su banco de herramientas para

Call for papers of ELearn4STEM, special session at EDUCON 2022

The special session Technology Enhanced Learning and Assessment in STEM education (ELearn4STEM) is organized in the framework of EDUCON 2022 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. The chairs of the special session are Lilia Cheniti (University of Sousse, Tunisia), Francisco José García Peñalvo (University of Salamanca, Spain), and Alicia García Holgado (University of Salamanca, Spain).