Recent news

Erasmus+ ENCORE project meeting in Patras

From December 11 to 13, 2024, the partners of the Erasmus+ ENCORE project gathered in Patras, Greece, for their fifth project meeting, hosted by the Hellenic Open University.

The discussions focused on advancing the final stages of the project, with key topics including the external validation of the ENCORE approach, staff development initiatives, and the open recognition of skills.

Thematic Cluster Meeting "Knowledge Alliances"

El director del grupo GRIAL Francisco José García Peñalvo participó la semana pasada (7 de Noviembre) en el Thematic Cluster Meeting “Knowledge Alliances” convocado por la EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Service tools) donde presentó la evolución del proyecto europeo Virtual Alliances for Learning Society (VALS y la iniciativa Semester of Code (

Call for chapters. Handbook of Research on Open Source Solutions for Knowledge Management and Technological Ecosystems

Proposal Submission Deadline: February 15, 2015
Handbook of Research on Open Source Solutions for Knowledge Management and Technological Ecosystems
A book edited by
Francisco J. García-Peñalvo (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Alicia García-Holgado (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Da comienzo la segunda edición del congreso TEEM'14

La segunda edición del congreso internacional "Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality" ha sido inaugurado esta mañana por el Vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Salamanca, Juan Manuel Corchado; la directora General de Innovación Educativa y Formación del Profesorado, Mª del Pilar González García; la directora del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca, María José Rodríguez Conde; y Francisco José García Peñalvo, Conference Chair.

Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality, TEEM 2014

Fecha Evento: 
Wed, 01/10/2014

Los próximos días 1-3 de octubre de 2014 tendrá lugar en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (IUCE – de la Universidad de Salamanca  la segunda edición de la Conferencia Internacional Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'14 - 

Final conference of the international EU project EHISTO at the University of Wrocław (Poland)

Fecha Evento: 
Tue, 09/09/2014

Poster Final Conference EHISTOIn the scope of the conference with high-class participants, which deals with the topic “History and Edutainment”, the Augsburg EU LLP Comenius project EHISTO (European History Crossroads as Pathways to Intercultural and Media Education) is invited to present its results from the two-y